Abu-Raiya, H. (2012). Towards a systematic Qura’nic theory of personality. Mental Health, Religion & Culture, 15(3), 217-233.
Abu-Raiya, H. (2013). The psychology of Islam: Current empirically based knowledge, potential challenges, and directions for future research., C. ‘Christ and human flourishing in patristic theology’ in Pro Ecclesia, vol. 25, issue 2, (2016), pp.126-153.
Awaad R., Elsayed D., Ali S., Abid A. “Islamic Psychology: A Portrait of its Historical Origins and Contributions” in Applying Islamic Principles to Clinical Mental Health Care: Introducing Traditional Islamically Integrated Psychotherapy. Routledge 2020 Keshavarzi, Ansari, Khan, Awaad (eds.)
Bosworth, D. ‘Weeping in the Psalms’ in Vetus Testamentum, vol.62, (2013), pp.36-46
Bosworth, D. ‘Ancient Prayers and the Psychology of Religion: Deities as Parental Figures’ in Journal of Biblical Literature, vol.134, issue 4, (2015), pp.681-700
Brueggemann, W. “The Costly Loss of Lament,” in Patrick D. Miller (ed.), The Psalms and the Life of Faith (Minneapolis : Fortress Press, 1995).
Collicutt, J. (2012). ‘Bringing the academic discipline of psychology to bear on the study of the Bible’ in Journal of Theological Studies, vol.63, issue 1, (2012), pp.1–48.
Hamdan, A. (2010). A comprehensive contemplative approach from the Islamic Tradition. Contemplative practices in action: Spirituality, meditation, and health, 122-142.
Levin J (2022) Human Flourishing in the Era of COVID-19: How Spirituality and the Faith Sector Help and Hinder Our Collective Response, Challenges 2022, 13(1), 12;
Singh, B.S.M. (2014). Religious Education, Spirituality, and Human Flourishing. Perspectives from the Sikh Dharam, In: Gill, S., Thomson, G. (eds) Redefining Religious Education. Palgrave Macmillan, New York.
Rothman, A., & Coyle, A. (2018). Toward a framework for Islamic psychology and psychotherapy: An Islamic model of the soul. Journal of religion and health, 57, 1731-1744.
Townes, E. M. ‘Searching for Paradise in a World of Theme Parks’ in Dwight Hopkins (ed.), Black Faith and Public Talk: Critical Essays on James Cone’s Black Theology and Black Power, pp.105-125
Weil, S. ‘Forms of the Implicit Love of God’ in Waiting for God, Leslie Fielder (ed.), E. Craufrod (trans.), (London: Harper Perennial, 2009), pp.83-142.
Weil, S. ‘Love of God and Affliction’ in Waiting for God, Leslie Fielder (ed.), E. Craufrod (trans.), (London: Harper Perennial, 2009), pp.67-82.
Zahl, B. P., & N. J. S. Gibson ‘God representations, attachment to God, and satisfaction with life: A comparison of doctrinal and experiential representations of God in Christian young adults’ in International Journal for the Psychology of Religion, vol.22, (2012), pp.216-230.
Brighouse, H, (2008) Education for a Flourishing Life, Yearbook of the National Society for the Study of Education, Volume 107, Issue 1
Carr, D (2021) ‘Where’s the Educational Virtue in Flourishing?’, Educational Theory, Vol. 71, Issue 3 pp. 389-407.
De Ruyter, D (2007) Ideals, Education and Happy Flourishing, Educational Theory
Doret de Ruyter, Lindsay Oades & Yusef Waghid, ‘Meaning(s) of Human Flourishing and Education: A Research Brief by the ISEE Assessment’ (UNESCO, 2020), p. 1.
Duff, Louise (2003) Spiritual Development and Education: a contemplative view, International Journal of Children's Spirituality, 8:3, 227-237, DOI: 10.1080/1364436032000146502
Ellyatt, W (2022), Education for Human Flourishing - a New Conceptual Framework for Promoting Ecosystemic Wellbeing in Schools, Challenges Journal, Nov
Ellyatt, W (2021), The Flourish Model, Montessori and the Pedagogy of Love, Flourish Project, Sept 2021, Academic paper to accompany the publication of the SDGs Handbook for the Early Years.
Ellyatt, W (2021), The Flourish Model: exploring the relational foundations of human capacities and potential, Conference paper, International Association of Children's Spirituality (IACS)
Ellyatt, W (2022), The Purpose of Education - from Attainment to Human Flourishing, Flourish Project
Huppert, F (2017). Challenges in Defining and Measuring Well-Being and Their Implications for Policy, In M. A. White, G. J. Slemp & A. S. Murray (Eds) Future Directions in Wellbeing: Education, Organizations and Policy. Springer
Jubilee Centre for Character and Virtues, ‘Framework for Character Education in Schools’ (2017)
Norrish, J (2015) Positive Education: The Geelong Grammar School Journey (Oxford: Oxford University Press
Reiss, M and White, J (2013) An Aims-based Curriculum: The Significance of Human Flourishing for Schools, IOE Press, London
Seligman, M (2011) Flourish: A New Understanding of Happiness and Wellbeing – and How to Achieve Them (London: Nicholas Brearley Publishing, 2011), p. 97
Wolbert, L. S., de Ruyter, D.J. & Schinkel, A. (2015). Formal criteria for the concept of human flourishing: the first step in defending flourishing as an ideal aim of education. Ethics and Education, 10(1), 118–129.
Wolfe, A (2021) Executive Director of Education at the Church of England and Lynn Swaner, Chief Strategy and Innovation Officer at the Association of Christian Schools International: Flourishing Together: A Christian Vision for Students, Educators, and Schools (Michigan: Wm. B. Eerdmans Publishing
Wright C & Watkin B, (2016) Schools for Human Flourishing
Verma, Yogendra & Tiwari, Gyanesh. (2017). Self-Compassion as the Predictor of Flourishing of the Students. The International Journal of Indian Psychology. 4. 10-19. 10.25215/0403.122.
Cooper N, Brady E, Steen H,Bryce R (2016) Aesthetic and spiritual values of ecosystems: Recognising the ontological and axiological plurality of cultural ecosystem ‘services’, Science Direct
Johnson, Aostre. (2016). Spirituality and Contemplative Education. In: de Souza, M., Bone, J., Watson, J. (eds) Spirituality across Disciplines: Research and Practice:. Springer, Cham.
Ellyatt, W (2022), Unitive Narrative, co-author, SDG Thought Leaders Circle
Ellyatt, W (2022), The Flourish Project: Relational Intelligence, Emergence and Human Spirituality, Harvard Human Flourishing Program Presentation
Ellyatt, W (2022), Relational Intelligence: Exploring Children's Spirituality and the Pattern Language of Beauty, Flow and Love, Flourish Project
Kessler, J (2020), Compassion, Human Flourishing and Integral Polarity Practice, Integral Polarity Practice Institute (IPP)
Verma, Yogendra & Tiwari, Gyanesh. (2017). Self-Compassion as the Predictor of Flourishing of the Students. The International Journal of Indian Psychology. 4. 10-19. 10.25215/0403.122.
van Schalkwyk, Annalet. (2011). Sacredness and Sustainability: Searching for a Practical Eco-Spirituality. Religion and Theology. 18. 77-92. 10.1163/157430111X613674.
Mark Vernon (2023) Spiritual Intelligence: What it is, why it’s needed, how it might return, Perspective
Addiss, D (2015) Spiritual Themes and Challenges in Global Health,
Atala, L, Ereira, A (2021) Zhigoneshi: A Culture of Connection, Ecocene Cappadocia Journal of Enviromental Humanities, Volume 2/ Issue 1/June 2021
Natasha Tassell-Matamua (2021) Indigenous Māori notions of spirit and spirituality as enablers of resilience and flourishing in Aotearoa New Zealand, The Routledge International Handbook of Indigenous Resilience
Gregory A. Cajete (2020) Indigenous Science, Climate Change, and Indigenous Community Building: A Framework of Foundational Perspectives for Indigenous Community Resilience and Revitalization, JOURNAL OF Sustainability 12, 9569; doi:10.3390/su12229569
Jelina Haines, Jia Tina Du & Ellen Trevorrow (2018) In Search of Indigenous WIsdom and Interdisciplinary Ways of Learning Together, Journal of the Australian Library and Information Association, 67:3, 293-306, DOI: 10.1080/24750158.2018.1488358
Felipe Viveros (2014) Indigenous Knowledge and the Scientific Understanding of Nature, Dissertation submitted in partial fulfilment for the degree of Master of Science in Holistic Science Schumacher College in association with Plymouth University
Abu-Raiya, H. (2012). Towards a systematic Qura’nic theory of personality. Mental Health, Religion & Culture, 15(3), 217-233.
Abu-Raiya, H. (2013). The psychology of Islam: Current empirically based knowledge, potential challenges, and directions for future research., C. ‘Christ and human flourishing in patristic theology’ in Pro Ecclesia, vol. 25, issue 2, (2016), pp.126-153.
Awaad R., Elsayed D., Ali S., Abid A. “Islamic Psychology: A Portrait of its Historical Origins and Contributions” in Applying Islamic Principles to Clinical Mental Health Care: Introducing Traditional Islamically Integrated Psychotherapy. Routledge 2020 Keshavarzi, Ansari, Khan, Awaad (eds.)
Bosworth, D. ‘Weeping in the Psalms’ in Vetus Testamentum, vol.62, (2013), pp.36-46
Bosworth, D. ‘Ancient Prayers and the Psychology of Religion: Deities as Parental Figures’ in Journal of Biblical Literature, vol.134, issue 4, (2015), pp.681-700
Brueggemann, W. “The Costly Loss of Lament,” in Patrick D. Miller (ed.), The Psalms and the Life of Faith (Minneapolis : Fortress Press, 1995).
Collicutt, J. (2012). ‘Bringing the academic discipline of psychology to bear on the study of the Bible’ in Journal of Theological Studies, vol.63, issue 1, (2012), pp.1–48.
Hamdan, A. (2010). A comprehensive contemplative approach from the Islamic Tradition. Contemplative practices in action: Spirituality, meditation, and health, 122-142.
Levin J (2022) Human Flourishing in the Era of COVID-19: How Spirituality and the Faith Sector Help and Hinder Our Collective Response, Challenges 2022, 13(1), 12;
Singh, B.S.M. (2014). Religious Education, Spirituality, and Human Flourishing. Perspectives from the Sikh Dharam, In: Gill, S., Thomson, G. (eds) Redefining Religious Education. Palgrave Macmillan, New York.
Rothman, A., & Coyle, A. (2018). Toward a framework for Islamic psychology and psychotherapy: An Islamic model of the soul. Journal of religion and health, 57, 1731-1744.
Townes, E. M. ‘Searching for Paradise in a World of Theme Parks’ in Dwight Hopkins (ed.), Black Faith and Public Talk: Critical Essays on James Cone’s Black Theology and Black Power, pp.105-125
Weil, S. ‘Forms of the Implicit Love of God’ in Waiting for God, Leslie Fielder (ed.), E. Craufrod (trans.), (London: Harper Perennial, 2009), pp.83-142.
Weil, S. ‘Love of God and Affliction’ in Waiting for God, Leslie Fielder (ed.), E. Craufrod (trans.), (London: Harper Perennial, 2009), pp.67-82.
Zahl, B. P., & N. J. S. Gibson ‘God representations, attachment to God, and satisfaction with life: A comparison of doctrinal and experiential representations of God in Christian young adults’ in International Journal for the Psychology of Religion, vol.22, (2012), pp.216-230.
Brighouse, H, (2008) Education for a Flourishing Life, Yearbook of the National Society for the Study of Education, Volume 107, Issue 1
Carr, D (2021) ‘Where’s the Educational Virtue in Flourishing?’, Educational Theory, Vol. 71, Issue 3 pp. 389-407.
De Ruyter, D (2007) Ideals, Education and Happy Flourishing, Educational Theory
Doret de Ruyter, Lindsay Oades & Yusef Waghid, ‘Meaning(s) of Human Flourishing and Education: A Research Brief by the ISEE Assessment’ (UNESCO, 2020), p. 1.
Duff, Louise (2003) Spiritual Development and Education: a contemplative view, International Journal of Children's Spirituality, 8:3, 227-237, DOI: 10.1080/1364436032000146502
Ellyatt, W (2022), Education for Human Flourishing - a New Conceptual Framework for Promoting Ecosystemic Wellbeing in Schools, Challenges Journal, Nov
Ellyatt, W (2021), The Flourish Model, Montessori and the Pedagogy of Love, Flourish Project, Sept 2021, Academic paper to accompany the publication of the SDGs Handbook for the Early Years.
Ellyatt, W (2021), The Flourish Model: exploring the relational foundations of human capacities and potential, Conference paper, International Association of Children's Spirituality (IACS)
Ellyatt, W (2022), The Purpose of Education - from Attainment to Human Flourishing, Flourish Project
Huppert, F (2017). Challenges in Defining and Measuring Well-Being and Their Implications for Policy, In M. A. White, G. J. Slemp & A. S. Murray (Eds) Future Directions in Wellbeing: Education, Organizations and Policy. Springer
Jubilee Centre for Character and Virtues, ‘Framework for Character Education in Schools’ (2017)
Norrish, J (2015) Positive Education: The Geelong Grammar School Journey (Oxford: Oxford University Press
Reiss, M and White, J (2013) An Aims-based Curriculum: The Significance of Human Flourishing for Schools, IOE Press, London
Seligman, M (2011) Flourish: A New Understanding of Happiness and Wellbeing – and How to Achieve Them (London: Nicholas Brearley Publishing, 2011), p. 97
Wolbert, L. S., de Ruyter, D.J. & Schinkel, A. (2015). Formal criteria for the concept of human flourishing: the first step in defending flourishing as an ideal aim of education. Ethics and Education, 10(1), 118–129.
Wolfe, A (2021) Executive Director of Education at the Church of England and Lynn Swaner, Chief Strategy and Innovation Officer at the Association of Christian Schools International: Flourishing Together: A Christian Vision for Students, Educators, and Schools (Michigan: Wm. B. Eerdmans Publishing
Wright C & Watkin B, (2016) Schools for Human Flourishing
Verma, Yogendra & Tiwari, Gyanesh. (2017). Self-Compassion as the Predictor of Flourishing of the Students. The International Journal of Indian Psychology. 4. 10-19. 10.25215/0403.122.
Cooper N, Brady E, Steen H,Bryce R (2016) Aesthetic and spiritual values of ecosystems: Recognising the ontological and axiological plurality of cultural ecosystem ‘services’, Science Direct
Johnson, Aostre. (2016). Spirituality and Contemplative Education. In: de Souza, M., Bone, J., Watson, J. (eds) Spirituality across Disciplines: Research and Practice:. Springer, Cham.
Ellyatt, W (2022), Unitive Narrative, co-author, SDG Thought Leaders Circle
Ellyatt, W (2022), The Flourish Project: Relational Intelligence, Emergence and Human Spirituality, Harvard Human Flourishing Program Presentation
Ellyatt, W (2022), Relational Intelligence: Exploring Children's Spirituality and the Pattern Language of Beauty, Flow and Love, Flourish Project
Kessler, J (2020), Compassion, Human Flourishing and Integral Polarity Practice, Integral Polarity Practice Institute (IPP)
Verma, Yogendra & Tiwari, Gyanesh. (2017). Self-Compassion as the Predictor of Flourishing of the Students. The International Journal of Indian Psychology. 4. 10-19. 10.25215/0403.122.
van Schalkwyk, Annalet. (2011). Sacredness and Sustainability: Searching for a Practical Eco-Spirituality. Religion and Theology. 18. 77-92. 10.1163/157430111X613674.
Mark Vernon (2023) Spiritual Intelligence: What it is, why it’s needed, how it might return, Perspective
Addiss, D (2015) Spiritual Themes and Challenges in Global Health,
Atala, L, Ereira, A (2021) Zhigoneshi: A Culture of Connection, Ecocene Cappadocia Journal of Enviromental Humanities, Volume 2/ Issue 1/June 2021
Natasha Tassell-Matamua (2021) Indigenous Māori notions of spirit and spirituality as enablers of resilience and flourishing in Aotearoa New Zealand, The Routledge International Handbook of Indigenous Resilience
Gregory A. Cajete (2020) Indigenous Science, Climate Change, and Indigenous Community Building: A Framework of Foundational Perspectives for Indigenous Community Resilience and Revitalization, JOURNAL OF Sustainability 12, 9569; doi:10.3390/su12229569
Jelina Haines, Jia Tina Du & Ellen Trevorrow (2018) In Search of Indigenous WIsdom and Interdisciplinary Ways of Learning Together, Journal of the Australian Library and Information Association, 67:3, 293-306, DOI: 10.1080/24750158.2018.1488358
Felipe Viveros (2014) Indigenous Knowledge and the Scientific Understanding of Nature, Dissertation submitted in partial fulfilment for the degree of Master of Science in Holistic Science Schumacher College in association with Plymouth University